
Latest Release

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NEVSTOP-LAB/Communicable-State-Machine’s Action page

Download steps:

  • Step 1. Click the Action for the latest Build_VIPM_Library
  • Step 2. Scroll down to the Artifacts section and click on the vip file to download
  • Step 3. Extract the downloaded zip file
  • Step 4. Double-click the vip file or open the vip file through VIPM

v2024.Feb Release: Toolbar Entry for CSM Tools

[improve] improve release logic. Use watchdog for background thread exit
[improve] minor fix #254

[add] #251 add "CSM - Filter Messages to Non-Existing"

[add] #252 add a toolbar entry to launcher CSM tools

[fix] #246 fix links
[improve] #245 improve user experience
[improve] Update example VIs' icons/Palette icons

Release Notes

V2024.Jan Release: Global Event, Utility and bug fix

[update] #242 For async-message, if target turned invalid before response, no ¡°target error¡± throw out
[fix] Clear Last Message's Error before new remote message, to avoid some misinformation

[fix] Fix the error input of "CSM - Convert HexStr to"
[fix] minor fix #237

#Global Event
[add] #240 add "Module Created" and "Module Destroyed" log to global log system
[fix] #238 Align global event ref lifecycle with a background thread, rather than the caller VI

[add] Add "CSM - Remove Duplicated Following", to remove duplicated message
[add] Add "CSM - Replace Substitution Marks in", to help build multiple-line states easily

[add] Create web wiki for CSM:

v2023.Dec Release: Improvement and Bug Fix

[Critical] #207 "Target Busy Error" is obsolete. Now a sync-call message will not generate "Target Busy Error" but waiting until timeout.
[fix] #219 #225 #226 fix bug that the cache system is ineffective when CSMs start/exit in the same microsecond
[fix] #197 fix the bug of timeout behavior of CSM - Send Message and Wait for
[fix] #196 fix the bug that status of agent(Worker Mode) could not trigger registered action
[fix] #215 now CSM - Module Turns Invalid (CSM) support Agent & Chain
[fix] #217 fix the bug that Single Character could not be used as module name

[add] #214 add Error Handler which logs error in global log if any.
[update] #220 #221 Log Error Information in CSM - Generate User Global
[fix] #212 Remove some meaningless items in log

[add] #209 add Build Exit Messages of
[add] #216 add two sync-up VI: CSM - Wait for All Modules to Exit.and CSM - Wait for All Modules to be Alive
[add] add Random Change for internal bug fix.

[improvement] #203 Change post-install action window to JKISM
[update] #228 show relative path in post-install action window

[add] add CSM - No-Event Structure Template -
[minor update] #211 #223

v2023.Nov: 2023.11.29.94143 (Nov 29, 2023)

[add] #144 add build-in chain of responsibility mode "$" as key words in module name.
[add] add CSM - Break Down Multiple States
[add] #184 add CSM - for exposing keywords of CSM
[add] #161 Response/Async Response carry the Error information from target CSM module
[add] Allowed Messages(Empty for all) terminal for Parse State
[improve] make Parse State block diagram clear
[improve] #140 Improve CSM - Send Message and Wait for and CSM - Post
[fix] #173 fix bug that sync message(-@) is blocking by mass of async message(->).
[fix] fix No source module name for "Macro: Exit"
[fix] show pre-state argument for Response(sync-call)
[fix] show pre-state/pre-argument for "Target Error","Target Timeout Error" or "Target Busy Error"

[add] Convert Error with Argument API and example

[critical] Change Error Status Arguments to SafeString as Default in template
[add] add a stub string constant which is for exiting sub-modules
[update] #186 show "Init State("Macro: Initialize")" control for templates
[update] init error shift register in front of loop
[fix] #179 Show documentation case by default

[fix] #180 Update description of quick-drop VIs in documentation palette

v2023.Oct: 2023.10.29.195953 (Oct 29, 2023)

[critical]#169 show both source message and arguments for response/async response, which will broken old module but easy to fix.
[add] #158 Add State Table - DebugTool
[add] #156 Create CSM_Tool_Launcher entry in Tool Menu
[add] #154 Create stub folder [labview]\templates\Communicable State Machine(CSM) for template VIs
[add] Apache License 2.0 License
[add] update More template palette tool
[add] Example of demonstration of build-in error handling framework
[improve] #160 improve debug tools of CSM
[improve] #174 Show all keyword in template
[improve] #168 template: add case in Response/Async Response
[fix] #153 Small fix and update to templates
[fix] #150 Fix description in pages of
[fix] #157 Fix QD of CSM_Tool_Launcher
[fix] #164 fix // is not included in Make Argument
[fix] #171 register status@* should exclude itself from list, to prevent recursive call.

v2023.Sep: 2023.10.2.123812 (Oct 03, 2023)

Release to

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